Enjoyable fishing technique for Demsel Fish & small Bogue
Personally for me this type of fishing could be a pleasant session, although that it is small fish that you are catching. When we are not set up to fish for them it is usually annoying catching these species. It is important that we ensure the tackle & rigs are adequate for this type of fishing.
With regards to Fishing gear & tackle I use a small fishing pole between 3.5 mtrs to 4.5 mtrs important to have a fine & flexible tip to enable you to feel the small fish biting.
The species that is normally targeted with this technique is damsel fish and small bogue although you could also attract other fish such as blotched picarel, larger sized bogue, salpa & smaller saddled bream. I prefer to this type of fishing on a small quay, nice flat surface which enables you to fish comfortably & importantly a place where we can have a keep net in the water. The keep net is always important to have to enable you to keep the fish alive to enable us to release them back due to the size of the fish.
If you need any more information you can easily find me on Facebook or at Fishin Fever tar Rabat Tackle shop.
Tight Lines
Peter Paul Azzopardi
Once I arrive on the fishing spot I start to prepare the ground bait , in this case I use the following mixture ‘PASTURA SFARINATA SPECIALE CASTAGNOLA BOGHETTA GARA COMPETIZIONE’ by the best in the water brand Ellevi , which means special ground-bait for damsel fish & Picarel.
I decant the ground bait into the mixing recipient start adding water slowly to have the ground bait ready to start ground baiting whilst I prepare the keep net in the water & rigging the fishing rod.
When it comes to the fishing rod set up, preferably to use as small float made out of balsa which is my preferable method. This enables you to see the float go under water & enables you to hook the fish yourself. The float size recommended is around 0.50g to 1.50g all depending on the wind & currents underwater. I also use TOP KNOT 0.14 line as the mainline & the trace I use 0.10 if the bogue are very small & would use up to 0.12 max for bigger size ones. With regards to set up preferably set with 2 small hooks size between 14 & 18 importantly fine ones to enable the fish to take the bait. When you set up with the finer hooks you will notice that the catch rate is definitely higher.
Bait best to use for this method would be either frozen shrimp or Korean worm. When fishing with this set up & the water is quite murky you do have a higher chance of finding that bigger fish are attracted also to the swim. Best practice is to ground bait in small quantities & frequent which enables that the fish stays in the area.
As usual always ensure to have a landing net beside you just in case a descent size fish bites to enable you to land the fish due to the light tackle.