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Past Events

2nd Match of the Hooked On Fishing Tubertini GoFish Doubles League 2021.

The time has come to kick off the 2nd Match of the Hooked On Fishing Tubertini Malta Pesca GoFish Doubles League 2021.

** Important to ensure you wear the Club’s Official Polo Shirt as a minimum / track Suit** Importanti li tilbsu ta l inqas il ‘polo shirt ' / track suit’ Ufficjali tal ‘Club’** Face Coverings are a must too** / ** Importanti li ikollkhom Maskra**

***Please like or leave a comment for us to know you are coming apart from the ones that have already notified us *** Hooked On Fishing Tubertini Malta Pesca GoFish Doubles League 2021 for the first Match. If anyone knows that he is unable to attend apart from the ones already advised , please advise at your earliest. This will be held on Sunday 21st February 2021 , this will be held at Sliema Ferries – ‘promanade’ area meeting point opposite the Nazzarenu Church at the seafront at 06:00. If in doubt, see map in comments.

***Face Coverings are a MUST *** Important to ensure you wear the Club’s Official Polo Shirt / track suit to avoid disappointment of not fishing. Thank You. Tight Lines to All. Also ensure to bring the Club’s Large sized bucket in case it is not possible to deploy the keepnets regular water change would be a must

***Jekk joghgobkhom ghamlu 'like' jew hallu kumment sabiex inkunu nafu minn gej apparti dawk il membri li diga ikonnfermaw li ma jistawx jattendu ***Hooked On Fishing Tubertini Malta Pesca GoFish Doubles League 2021 ' ha sehh il Hadd 21 ta Frar 2021 ghalt tieni sajda tal kampjonat'. Jekk hemm xi hadd li ma jistax jigi jekk joghgbu jinfurmana kemm jista jkun qabel. Is Sajda ha sehh tas Sliema . Niltaqaw ix xatt faccata il Knisja ta Nazzarenu fis 6:00 , jekk fid dubju araw il mappa fil kummenti.

*Il Maskra hija Obligatorja *** Importanti li tilbsu il ‘polo / track suit’ Ufficjali tal ‘Club’ biex tevitaw dissapunt li titilfu is sajda. Is sajda it Tajba lill Kullhadd. Qisu li iggibu il Barmil il kbir tal Klabb f kas li makunux nistaw nuzaw barrada ** f dak il kas irid isir tibdil tal ilma frekwenti.

Would like to thank the Main Sponsor Tubertini Malta Pesca GoFish Main Trophies, percentage of Vouchers & Overall League Prizes incl Biggest Fish Trophy. Keevla Malta & PROservsafety Consultancy for match & section win trophies incl DERA Distributors for the Raffle Prizes & for their continuas support. Thanks to All & will see you on Sunday . Tight Lines to All. #onebigfamily #oneteam #wearehofc



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