Marlon Wins the Wecome Match for 2022 on his comeback
First Open Match was held last sunday in Sliema , this was organised by the Club to kck off this year's calendar . It was not one of the best days for fishing as weather conditions especially tyhe wind direction but never the less it was enjoyable meeting and takinjg part inj the first Match. It was also nice too meet the new comers to the club this year . The winners of this Match where @Marlon Tanti in First Place back to match fishing after a year away from Match fishing , In second Place Niccu Pizz John , In Third Place Adrian Nelson followed by Isaac Psaila in fourth Place. Biggest Fish won by Niccu Pizz John which was a mullett at 550grans.. Well done to all that took Part . Aaron CordinaAdrian NelsonAlejandro VellaAlexander SpiteriAntoine PortelliAryton CiapparaDianeBrady SammutCarmel SpiteriEmanuel PortelliGary PaceGianluca CardonaIan MuscatIsaac PsailaJason SalibaNiccu Pizz JohnJonathan FarrugiaJustin SpiteriLawrence PulisMarlon Tanti Martin Pisani Peter Paul AzzopardiRyan CassarSheldon BouvettNathal Grech#sportsfishingmalta#wearehofc#oneteam#onebigfamily