Official 2021 Kicks Off AGM & last year's winners Presentation

HOFC Presentation for 2020 Winners and Annual General Meeting held yesterday.
After a hard year for all last year, it was great to see how enthusiastic the members were to kick off another year. Once again, a very promising number of anglers decided to renew the membership and quite a few new members Ian Muscat Kenneth Scerri Randell Vassallo Mathias Caruana Aryton Ciappara & Alejandro Vella with more to come and join our Family of Sport fishing Anglers - taking the Club to 49 Members.
We would also like to welcome 2 new Committee members Etienne Fiona Bugeja & JeanClaude Tonna.
This year as announced at yesterday's AGM the club has decided that it is time to expand into a wider range of techniques which will be shore Spinning / Jigging /Egging, there will be hands on seminars conducted by knowledgeable Anglers in this sector apart from Various Competitions.
For all Club members this year our very own App has been launched to keep all informed on the go with the latest news and easier to get in touch
As always cannot miss out on thanking all the Loyal Members that keep coming year in year out and are always there to help anyone that needs any information. We are the Committee, but you are the Club & that is what makes us eager to work hard and ensure that whatever is best for the Club, we try and achieve.
Same goes for the Sponsors we cannot thank them enough for the continuas support.
The HOFC Tubertini GoFish Doubles League will kick off on Sunday the 24th January with the registration taking place on Thursday the 21st January. Anyone that wishes to join still in with the chance to so before the 20th January. You can contact us on 99466608 / 79053747 - or our face book page #wearehofc #oneteam #OneBigFamily